The Consumers will prefer to purchase the product of emergency in nature from the authorized outlets only (like medical outlet). The results are indicating that the Consumers exhibit habitual buying behaviour, if they are satisfied with the product of emergency in nature (hand sanitizer product in COVID-19 scenario). (2009)) for the hand sanitizer product in COVID-19 scenario and to To adapt and define the scale items related to each stage of consumer decision making process w.r.t hand sanitizer product. The Research Study Objectives are to adapt the five-stage consumer decision making model (Kotler et al.
#Hand sanitizer sign pdf free#
free printable please use hand sanitizer mandatory sign. Further Indian Government administered the pricing of the sanitizers as 2ml not more than Re.1/-. Examples of this type of sign are now wash your hands signs, keep locked signs and keep this. Ensure hands are visibly clean (if soiled, follow hand washing steps).

The Government has capped the price of a 200ml hand sanitizer bottle at Rs.100/. The Indian Government had declared sanitizers and masks “essential commodities” under the Essential Commodities Act. Suddenly the demand for the Hand Sanitizers got increased as the usage of these products is one of the ways to be protected from COVID-19. The first lesson from the COVID-19 to the public is to keep your hands safe and uninfected. The USP hand sanitizer toolkit formulas have nal concentrations of 80 ethanol or 75 isopropyl alcohol concentrations.